Hi and welcome to my cel gallery! I first started cel collecting in late June/early July of 2003. I am a sucker for Piccolo cels, so the main focus of my gallery is on him. I'm always open to more characters from various series though, especially any good horror or cutesy animal cels.

Please take a look around and enjoy your stay!

ピッコロ セル画

*Please do not steal my cels' images and take them as your own because I spent a lot of time and money on them. You must have my written consent to use them.*

News & Updates

4/28/2023Going to be doing some rearranging and downsizing. Almost 20 years of collecting!
10/26/2010I'm still alive, just not as active in cel collecting as I was seven years ago. Geez time flies!
6/1/2005Two new Sailor Moon cels today. If anyone knows what episodes they are from I'd really appreciate it.
2/16/2005Updated yesterday with a Wishlist cel! Today I rearranged the Dragonball Z cels and genga. Hope it makes viewing easier for everyone!

Gallery Contents
Private Area
My SeraMyu Goods Site
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Title Last Updated
Dragonball Z Piccolo Cels 10/25/2006
Dragonball Z Piccolo Douga and Genga 4/12/2004
Crimson Wolf 9/12/2003
Dragonball Z 2/15/2005
Dragonball Z- Settei! 9/6/2003
Hamtaro 8/17/2003
Mon Colle Knights 4/8/2004
Muka Muka Paradise 5/1/2004
Pokemon 1/15/2005
Sailor Moon 12/19/2003
Sailor Moon Settei 4/7/2005
Sonic X 3/18/2004
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 9/24/2003
Wind Named Amnesia 9/13/2003
XYZ 4/14/2004

Curator: Goddess of Namek
Gallery Created: 7/14/2003
Hits: 47026
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