Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

What's New --- 9-08-98: I rescanned a lot of the Slayers and Ruin Explorers cels. There look much nicer now.

Want List --- Here are some cels that I'm hunting around for.. most of them I'll pay a lot of money for, so please take a look. I might also be willing to trade... and I'd do almost anything for a cel of Rasha!

Cel Gallery --- Most of the cels I have here on display aren't for sale. Later, I might put a few up with prices, so check the merchandise section for the ones I'm selling. It never hurts to ask, though... some of them I might be willing to part with.

  • Ruin Explorers --- Cels from Ruin Explorers! What more could you want??
  • Slayers --- A constantly growing gallery filled with my two favorite characters - Gourry and Zelgadis.
  • Tenchi Muyo! --- Dedicated to the Jurian knights!
  • Misc. Series --- A few cels of from other anime series I watch.
Links --- Anime cel dealer links from the my perspective as a collector - with helpful hints on the best places to buy from.

[Main | Want List | Ruin Explorers Cels | Slayers Cels | Tenchi Cels | Misc. Cels | Links]